• Testimonials

To any farmers looking for a more cost-effective way to heat water for their dairy, like we were last year.

We were introduced to Arkaya Energy at the Dairy Event 2018 and were intrigued by their product which claimed to heat water to 80 degrees or higher, using energy from the environment which in turn provided cost savings.

Due to the increasing pressure applied by milk buyers for low bactoscans and high plant hygiene, we were concerned that the product would not make enough hot water of an adequate temperature to meet our requirements. This was of particular concern due having a 24:24 parlour and our plant having an autowash system, where a level of hot water is used in every cycle as opposed to just a standard hot wash, as well as the additional hot water needed for the bulk tank daily cycle.

Arkaya had previously installed systems with a single tank, which would have meant using an existing heater as a slave tank. However, when we expressed our wish of not using either of our existing heaters, as we believed the Arkaya system should work as a stand alone system, Arkaya came up with the solution of a two tank looped system. The conversion of the set up from one to two tanks was provided at no extra cost. Now both tanks are being heated simultaneously using Arkaya’s machine. This works very well and provides more than adequate hot water to wash the plant and bulk tank, which was previously reliant on two separate water heaters.

The system was installed in December 2018 and after a few months (and most of the winter!) We are happy to recommend Arkaya and their system with confidence to any other farmers. The system has made our existing two water heaters redundant. The water is stored in Arkaya’s pressurised tanks so does not lose heat like our previous heaters used to and is available at the right temperature when we need it. The probe at the bottom of the first tank is set at 80 degrees, however due to heat rising, we are consistently receiving temperatures of over 90 degrees, even on the coldest winter days.

At this early stage the numbers demonstrated to us with regards to the savings through the system seem spot on. We also have a heat recovery at the farm which the Arkaya system works in conjunction with. We are pleased to notice significant savings, not only due to not having to run the two heaters but also from the associated service costs.

After our experience with Arkaya, we are very happy for other farmers to arrange a visit to see our system or speak with us about our experience.

Mr. Cradock

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